By Corey Floyd
Well we are just about at the end of the Summer and we’ve had our fair share of comic book movies. But today I’m not gonna talk about the heroes. Today will be about the bad guys of these films and how good were they. It’s a Good, Bad and the UGLY on this summer's baddies. If I missed one let me know . Mind you I’m judging the villains not the film
EGO Guardians of the the Galaxy Volume 2 introduced us to EGO the living planet. Played by the always charismatic Kurt Russell. In the beginning of the film we see a CGI
younger looking EGO with Star Lord's mother and think all is well as he planted something on earth. We seem him later in the film looking like a handsome caveman as he welcomes the gang to his planet. Since Loki has been considered the standard for a good Marvel (at least to fans) so far he meets that criteria. Then its gets too dark too fast. As we get into the third act we find out EGO has had hundred of kids by different species. But none of them could harness his power the Star Lord did so he killed them. On top of that he reveals that he gave Starlords mom Cancer cause he he loved her so much that if he visited earth again to see her he would have abandoned his mission of spreading himself across the universe. Thats is pretty SAVAGE grade A !!
- I’m gonna talk about Logan’s reaper team and X-24.
In Logan we meet the Reapers. Mercenaries that have cybernetic enhanced limbs. Who work for a company that has weaponize the mutant gene. Kidnapped kids and gave them powers with the intent to sell them to the highest bidder as child soldier. When they realized that Logan was still around there was only one option to counter him with
a younger angrier Wolverine. That’s what we get from X-24. A soulless machine like mutant whose only designed to carry out orders. Most of the orders involve killing. Grade C.
3. In Wonder Woman we have Doctor Poison.
She worked for the Germans in WW2 perfecting toxins and …….. Poison. I guess we should talk about her face. Since no one else has wanted to touch the subject. There is no explanation for what happened to her face. Perhaps it will be revealed in another film. But what I can say is the mask she wears is actually very common for the time. Ceramic mask like these were made to help war wounded people integrate into society.Overall she was okay but her motives were a mystery. C
Then there’s Ares who was the making WW 1 happen so he could keep his power. It was interesting because we were meant to believe it was this German guy (because WW1+
German = bad guy) but it ended being this dude . Also the fight he had with WW was lackluster and he threw so much lighting I thought he was Zeus. For the God of War he could have been better . D
4. In Spider-Man's third reboot in 10 years we have the Vulture.
Just like our new Spider-man this was a refreshing take on this campy character. If you look here you can see that the Vulture original look was absurd and the bad guy looks like Monty Burns. In Homecoming they went with a more techno savvy look. They had Michael Keaton play this character and it was great. He was a blue collar guy that got screwed over by big business to be more accurate Stark. He was in charge of the New York cleanup from the first Avengers movie. Since he’s lost his job he gathered the alien tech he already has and made weapons to sell and support his family. Which we later find out his daughter is dating Parker and he figures out that he is spider-man and give a chilling monologue in the car.
He was funny and menacing and relatable. Hope to see him again. B+.
5. In the latest Pirates of the Caribbean they have a new adversary.
Captain Salazar was a hunter of pirates all his life. He came from a legacy a pirate killing captain’s. That is until he came across Jack Sparrow. They show in a flashback how Salazar killed Jacks captain and Jack fooled him and thus causing his to crash and die. That when he became Captain Jack. That’s also when Salazar became a ghost who wanted to hunt him down and kill him. The character did not have any depth to him and Javier Bardem wasn’t given enough to work with or he just didn’t care. Furthermore the series only has two great villains one being Barbosa who is a protagonist in this film and Davy Jones who (SPOILER ALERT!!!!) is coming back in the next film because to be honest he's the best villain in the series to date Salazar is forgettable just like Ian McShane’s Blackbeard. Two great actors playing crappy characters in very weird franchise. Grade F
Well that wraps it up for me make sure you guys subscribe to our YOUTUBE PAGE because we will start giving out clues so you can win a copy of Destiny 2
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