By Corey Floyd

Last week or so I wrote on the upcoming Venom movie by Sony. I expressed my skepticism on it really happening and as well as its release date which has been announced to be October of 2018. If you haven’t it check it out here . Okay are you back? Good cause cause now I think there is something way more sinister going on and I’m not talking about the sinister six. I think this is a huge scam or perhaps the implosion of Sony pictures. I say Implosion because there is an internal element that that has already caused so much drama and damage. How many of you know who Tom Rothman is? It’s ok if you don’t that’s why I’m here. In the early and mid 2000’s he was the head of 20th century fox and was responsible for more than a few tragedies. Since Bryan singer choose to do Superman Returns instead of X-men 3 ( a crime all on its own) Rothman decided to go ahead with X-men with a rough draft script that was far from completion giving unneeded time to secondary characters resulting in that disaster of a film. He also NEVER wanted the sentinels to be the bad guys in the original X-men Trilogy. Something that definitely should have been a thing. Cause it was originally written in part 2 he shot it down and then it was shot down again by him for the third installment. He was also involved with making changes to X- Men origins wolverine from scenes tempering all the way down to digital editing. He was also behind the bad Fantastic Four movies , okay but after seeing that shitty attempt at a reboot those movies look more like Citizen Kane now. He was also the reason it took so long to do a Deadpool film. Now he at Sony attempting to push out a Venom, Black Cat and Silver Sable film without Spider-man and the MCU? Is it me or does this guy not like superhero movies.
Let’s talk about the money. By the end of 2016 Sony pictures was at a profit loss of up to $915 million dollars. How you may ask? Their biggest movie last year was Ghostbusters. It earned $229 million dollars in the box office which sounds go at first glance. But when you factor in a $144 million dollar budget with unknown millions into the marketing and promotions they walk away with a 70 million dollar loss. Their second one was Angry Birds which barely made $100 million dollars and Sausage Party didn’t even make that much at all. The year before their best was Spectre which isn’t saying much it made $100 million less than the one before it. There has not been an announcement for another Bond movie on top of that it is still unclear whether Daniel Craig will return or not. The only Franchise they have is Spider-Man unless they have another adventure for Paul Blart.

If that’s the case why hire a man that clearly likes to destroy the things we love? Now here’s the magic trick. What if all this talk. I s just to get Investors to stay confident in Sony Pictures. So confident that not only do the not pull out their money but they invest more. They are so confident just because it is a comic book movie that they put more money into the company blindly. Sending up the company's price so they can actually sell it for way more than what it’s worth. This is a crazy time for Sony. What I’ve written is a theory that is very sound but I am certain we won’t be seeing Venom in 2018. At least not without Spider-man.